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Online Course Bundles can be used by one person or split over a team of people. Each person accessing a course counts as 1 of the courses in your bundle.
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Online Course Bundles can be used by one person or split over a team of people. Each person accessing a course counts as 1 of the courses in your bundle.
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Online Course Bundles can be used by one person or split over a team of people. Each person accessing a course counts as 1 of the courses in your bundle.
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Online Course Bundles can be used by one person or split over a team of people. Each person accessing a course counts as 1 of the courses in your bundle.
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Online Course Bundles can be used by one person or split over a team of people. Each person accessing a course counts as 1 of the courses in your bundle.
The 5 C Model of Pricing Transformation

As a Ph.D. candidate, Stephan Liozu studied the organizational and behavioral factors influencing the firm transformation towards pricing excellence. Pricing excellence combines both dimensions of pricing orientation and pricing realization leading to superior pricing power and ultimately to superior firm performance.

The results of his research investigations suggest that this transformation requires deep organizational change and a unique architectural design combining... Details

Achieving Pricing and Profitability Excellence in Retail
Welcome to Deloitte’s Retail Pricing Training Course. For some time, retailers have recognized that pricing is a powerful lever to drive profitable results and to improve competitive positioning. However, many retailers struggle to achieve the full value from pricing. Effective pricing requires an integrated and broad approach across several core competencies, including strategy, execution, and technology. In this course, students will learn how to integrate Pricing knowledge with a... Details
Advanced Change Management
In this course, students learn how to create a practical, action plan to take their company’s pricing performance from good to great, a challenge so many companies face. Students will learn that achieving superior pricing goes well beyond the price setting and analysis typically done by the pricing organization. Students will learn how to help develop their company’s culture with a passion and urgency for pricing and profit enhancement, strong price execution and motivation skills... Details
Advanced Negotiations
In this course, students (pricing, marketing & corporate account executives) will learn to better negotiate with customer executives and customer procurement teams, which across all industries over time are becoming more sophisticated buyers and stronger negotiators. Students will review more advanced topics beyond a traditional negotiations course; this course is intended for executives who already have had some negotiations training.


Advanced Change Management - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

This course focuses on creating a practical, actionable plan to take your companies pricing performance from good to great; a challenge so many companies face. Achieving superior pricing goes well beyond the price setting and analysis typically done by the pricing organization. It requires a supportive company culture with a passion and urgency for pricing and profit enhancement, strong price execution motivation and skills... Details
Advanced Negotiations - CPA Edition
Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge Across industries, customers are becoming more sophisticated buyers and stronger negotiators. This is especially true for large key accounts. This course will prepare pricing, marketing and corporate account executives to better negotiate with customer executives and customer procurement teams. It covers more advanced topics beyond a traditional negotiations course and is intended for executives who have already had some negotiations... Details
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Using AI & Analytics in Pricing
Avoid the Commodity Trap
Avoid the Commodity Trap
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B2G Pricing
Beyond the Number
Beyond the Number
Change Management in Pricing
Change Management in Pricing
Implementing Price Changes in Competitive Markets
Implementing Price Changes in Competitive Markets
Consumer Choice Research for Pricing
Consumer Choice Research for Pricing
Core Pricing Skills (Portugese)
Core Pricing Skills (Portugese)
Core Pricing Skills

In this Foundational Pricing course, students will comprehensively review the essentials of Price Optimization through dozens of brief, industry case-studies from around the world.

Pricing - THE Profit Lever

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Core Pricing Skills (Spanish)
Pricing and Corporate Strategy

In this course, students will learn proven pricing methods to assist them with defining the structure, routines, and pricing culture within their organization(The Problem). Students will learn to track pricing decisions from business strategy through pricing strategy, market pricing, and price variance policy to price execution, including new offering development, the sales strategy, and navigating international markets (The Solution).


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Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

In this Foundational Pricing course, students will comprehensively review the essentials of Price Optimization through dozens of brief, industry case-studies from around the world.

Pricing - THE Profit Lever

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Earn 5.0 CPE Credits in Specialized Knowledge

In this course, students will learn proven pricing methods to assist them with defining the structure, routines, and pricing culture within their organization(The Problem). Students will learn to track pricing decisions from business strategy through pricing strategy, market pricing, and price variance policy to price execution, including new offering development, the sales strategy, and navigating international markets (The... Details

Certified Public Accountant Bundle
In this bundle, you'll learn the basics of value-based pricing, managing price variances, and how to track pricing decisions through your organization for the best bottom-line profitability.
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